Lets see latest Top 17 Sites On The Web on 14 May 2010 : 1. Google.com Enables users to search the Web, Usenet, and images. Features include PageRank, caching and translation of results, and an option to find similar pages. The company’s focus is developing search technology. Top Queries from Search Traffic : gmail, google, …


Today, i will write a simple technique how to turn or make your Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 like a Mac OSx. I love Mac OS because it simple dan excellent performance. But, for now, i just have a pc. Actually, i bought this pc just to play games. I have played latest game and i got …


What Is Islam?

The word Islam is derived from the Arabic root “salema” which means, among other things, peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the religious sense, the word “Islam” means submission to the Will of Allah and obedience to His law. Everything – other man – and every phenomenon in the universe, all are administered totally by …

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