Monthly Archives: June 2018


I love to watch youtube with good quality of video content, sound voice and attractive video editing. I will share only 5. For your info I got plenty of favourite content and channel on youtube. I just pick 5 of them to share with you. 1. One of the best is Primitive Technology. Survival without …


First, I’m going to revamp my blog. Some of ideas. It is good to write about culture in Malaysia? Do some review about place I visited? A travel blog. Make food review blog, but need to buy technology gears for photography and video. Arabic language tutorial for beginner. Should I? Wish me the best!


Salam Aidil Fitri 2018

Sebahagian dari keluarga yang balik beraya di kampung pada tahun ini. Kalau semua balik, tak cukup frame nk ambil gambar. ? Kenapa bila aku tengok balik gambar raya ni kan, rasa macam badan semakin membesar. Alhamdulillah, senang hati. Kena senaman balik ni, nak buat jadual joging! Ramadhan telah berlalu pergi, Syawal menjelma di Aidilfitri, Seikhlas …


Just trying this new game, but I’m not so good when building using material on this game and I love to snipe in this game. Here, my new record! 😛 244 meter. Add me on Fortnite. I’m quite busy, if you see me online, poke me!.

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